AMICE is proud to welcome the following speakers for this Congress.

Marta Ajuria
Councillor for Finance, Bilbao City Council / Bilboko Udala
Welcome to Bilbao
Responsible for Administrative – Financial Management in SMEs.
Quality Management System Auditor.
Delegate Councillor of the Treasury Area since 2007.
Member of the Territorial Finance Council of Bizkaia since 2007.

Butch Bacani
Butch Bacani, Head of Insurance, UN Environment Programme / Programme Leader, UN Principles for Sustainable Insurance / Chair, UN Forum for Insurance Transition to Net Zero
PANEL CHAIR: Sustainability, collaboration and innovation: unlocking potential / CASE STUDY: The role of insurance in the transition to a net-zero emissions economy
Butch Bacani is the Head of Insurance at the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) and leads the UN Principles for Sustainable Insurance Initiative (PSI), the largest collaboration between the UN and the insurance industry. Endorsed by the UN Secretary-General and insurance industry CEOs, the PSI is a global framework and initiative for the industry to address sustainability issues—as risk managers, insurers and investors—and to build resilient, inclusive and sustainable communities and economies on a healthy planet.
Butch conceptualised sustainable insurance, net-zero insurance, nature-positive insurance, and insurance SDGs. He leads initiatives that contribute to achieving the Paris Climate Agreement, Global Biodiversity Framework, and the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). These include creating and chairing the UN Forum for Insurance Transition to Net Zero (FIT), producing the first global environmental, social and governance guides for non-life and life & health insurance business, piloting the recommendations of the Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD) with the world’s leading insurers, conceptualising a Sustainable Insurance Facility with V20 finance ministers for the most climate-vulnerable countries, creating the PSI’s nature-positive insurance initiative, and aligning insurance portfolios with the SDGs. Butch co-led the creation of the UN Sustainable Insurance Forum for regulators and supervisors, worked with the California Insurance Commissioner to produce the world’s first sustainable insurance roadmap, and was a member of the Green Finance Task Force initiated by the People’s Bank of China and UNEP to establish China’s green financial system.
Butch initiated efforts that produced regional sustainable insurance roadmaps and strategies for the African and Latin American insurance markets, as well as at the national and state levels—from Brazil and Costa Rica, to California and Canada. He has authored pioneering studies on sustainable insurance and responsible investment; and was part of InsuranceERM’s inaugural list of the most influential people leading and shaping the insurance industry’s response to climate change.
Butch led the global process that created the PSI in 2012 and led UNEP’s insurance and investment global work programmes from 2006 to 2010, working with the UN-supported Principles for Responsible Investment (PRI). He has shaped global initiatives to address climate change and disaster risks, nature and biodiversity loss, plastic pollution, environmental pollution liability, illegal fishing, and tobacco risks; and to protect UNESCO World Heritage Sites. Prior to the UN, he was in the insurance industry for over a decade, working with leading insurers and reinsurers worldwide.
Butch is also involved in the work of the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), Glasgow Financial Alliance for Net Zero (GFANZ), Global Shield against Climate Risks, Insurance Development Forum, California Climate Insurance Working Group, Microinsurance Network, European Commission’s Climate Resilience Dialogue, Global Reporting Initiative, and World Benchmarking Alliance.

Philipp Bäcker
Head of Sustainability, R+V
Panellist: Sustainability, collaboration and innovation: unlocking potential

Susanne Bäsk
CEO, Länsförsäkringar Skåne
CEO Roundtable: Future trends - reimagining risks and relationships

Grzegorz Buczkowski
President, AMICE
Opening & Closing of the Congress / CEO Roundtable: Reimagining Risk and Relationships
Grzegorz Buczkowski is CEO of Saltus TUW and Saltus Życie SA, the insurance companies of the Polish credit union system. He has 30 years of experience in the Polish financial markets and credit unions, 25 of which in insurance. Prior to joining Saltus, he has served as consultant to EU PHARE and UNDP programmes, World Bank’s CGAP programme and United Nations’ International Labour Organization and worked for institutions of the Polish credit union system. He has served on a number of boards, including companies listed on Warsaw Stock Exchange.
He has published on insurance and mutuality topics for the International Labour Organization, Bloomberg European Law Journal, Revue d’Economie Financiere and Polish Cooperative Research Institute.
He is a member of the Supervisory Committee of the Polish Chamber of Insurance and chair of its Mutuals’ Commission.He has been a member of the Board of Directors of AMICE since its formation in 2008, and its President since 2016.
Mr. Buczkowski holds an MA in English Literature from Gdansk University and an MBA in finance from Gdansk University and Strathclyde University, Glasgow.

Amanda Burton
Director, Green Shoots Communications
Mutual Meet-Up host: Communications Working Group/Mutual Communications
Amanda Burton is the founding director of Green Shoots Communications and marketing strategist at FDG Creative. She has over 25 years’ communications, marketing, and publishing experience, and delivers strategic PR and marketing communications to a wide range of organisations, from international blue chips to local start-ups.
Prior to founding Green Shoots in 2009, Amanda was Head of Communications and Client Accounts for a strategic marketing consultancy where she developed the agency’s marketing communications, PR and media relations propositions, and managed key client accounts.
Previously, she worked as PR and Communications Manager at top-five re/insurance broker, Arthur J. Gallagher (AJG), in a business development capacity for market-leading Business Process Outsourcer, Xchanging (now DXC Technology), and as a PR consultant to a number of financial services and technology companies. She started her career in the publishing sector where she worked for The Independent and leading trade publications.
Amanda is a skilled facilitator and workshop leader, a graduate of the University of Lincoln, BA Honours and holds a Diploma in European Administrative Management.
In her spare time, she is an active committee member of a progressive WI group, the Wells Angels, a member of her local book and wine clubs, and a rookie water-skier.

Sergi Corbeto
Expert in organisation transformation and talent development
Closing Keynote: Connecting the customer experience with the employee experience
Sergi Corbeto is an expert in cultural transformation, change management and disruptive innovation focused on change. He advises the main companies in Spain and LATAM on how to transform organisations, put people at the centre and manage their preferences, broaden the scope of digital skills or envision the future and design a purposeful strategy.
Sergi Corbeto is director of the Disruptive Management Program at ESADE Business School, where he develops disruptive innovation adapted to People Management, Marketing and Sales and prepares for the rapid and continuous changes that take place in the world around us in terms of technology. , art, business processes or the future of social relations. His latest project, Mind the Gap, of which he is a founding partner, is a collective for the disruptive transformation of companies towards more liquid and agile models. His professional career has been linked to the world of technology, sports and cinema. He worked at the American multinationals Xerox and Nike and at the Spanish independent film distributor Manga Films. He has developed more than 300 projects among numerous national and international clients (including more than 15 IBEX 35 companies).
He is a graduate of Duluth Senior East High School (Minnesota, USA), with a degree in Economics from the University of Barcelona, a Master's in Marketing from ESADE and a postgraduate degree in HR from the University of Barcelona.

Chantal Deen
Sales & Business Development Manager, OOM Verzekeringen
Mutual Meet-Up host: SME
Chantal Deen, 55 years young.
I have worked for OOM Verzekeringen for almost fifteen years now and still going strong.
In my job there isn’t room for a dull moment. One day I will be talking to our customers at their kitchen table in say Brooklyn, New York and the next day I’ll be explaining our insurances to Dutch people wishing to emigrate to another country. In a world full of package made insurances, we listen and offer handmade solutions.
Outside of work I love to write, from columns to an actual book. I also teach Pilates to clear my and everybody else’s head. Time that’s left I love spending it with my family (husband, daughter 22, son 20) and friends.

Mirenchu Del Valle
President, UNESPA
Fireside chat: View from the top

Amel Djemaïl
Equal Opportunities Director, UNI europa
Overview of UNI europa and AMICE European project on workplace safety
Faculty of Translation and Interpretation (FTI- EII)
Uni Europa Equal Opportunities Director
Health and Safety Cross-Sectoral Officer
Founder and President of a Belgian Not For Profit platform for breast cancer awareness and prevention
Dedicated to equal opportunities and justice for all, European affairs on gender/diversity.

Mark Geoghegan
Editor, The Voice of Insurance
Congress Moderator / View from the top / Chair: CEO Roundtable, Reimagining risk and relationships
Mark’s unconventional career spans (re)insurance broking and financial journalism.
A graduate in Spanish, he spent over 7 years brokering and producing (re)insurance of all classes from Spain and Latin America at Spanish broker Gil y Carvajal (now Aon) in London and at Heath Re (now Gallagher Re) in Madrid, before leaving the market for a career in journalism.
After learning his trade on an internet business magazine and a Latin American newswire, Mark became managing editor of regulated share investment advisories Red Hot Penny Shares and The Fleet Street Letter before joining Reinsurance Magazine as editor in 2005.
He joined The Insurance Insider as editor in 2008, leaving in 2019 to found the insurance podcast platform The Voice of Insurance.
He holds the securities certificate from the Chartered Institute for Securities & Investment, is a qualified Spanish translator and is former Chairman of the Lloyd’s and London Market IberoAmerican Club.

Sarah Goddard
Secretary General, AMICE
Mutual Meet-Up host: Climate Resilience Dialogue (CRD) Panel Chair: Creating stability: the role of mutuality
Sarah Goddard is Secretary General of AMICE, and has over 25 years' global re/insurance industry experience.
Before joining AMICE, she was CEO of the Dublin International Insurance & Management Association (DIMA) which represented companies writing non-Irish insurance, and life and non-life reinsurance business, including captive management.
Previously, Sarah worked as Editor for Global Reinsurance magazine and as International Bureau Chief for the Business Insurance magazine. She started her career at Lloyd's of London and graduated from the University of Manchester, UK.

Javier Gomez
Head of Non-Life Product Management & Reinsurance, Seguros Lagun Aro
CASE STUDY: Consorcio de Compensación de Seguros (CCS): developing a National pool
Javier Gomez began his career in the insurance industry at Seguros Lagun Aro 34 years ago and has held the position of Head of Non-Life Product Management and Reinsurance since 2018. Javier manages underwriting, pricing and product development for Non-Life Insurance, and is a member of the Board of Directors.

Liz Green
Designate CEO, ICMIF
Mutual Meet-Up host: Associations/The Importance of the Mutual Message
On 11 July 2023, Liz Green, former Executive Vice President of ICMIF, was appointed by the Board as ICMIF’s Designate CEO following Shaun Tarbuck’s announcement that he will retire from his current role as Chief Executive Officer in November 2024.
As Designate CEO, her role is to continue to run the core business, as she has done since the start of 2023, but to also work with Shaun to ensure of smooth transition of all the CEO duties by November 2024.
Liz’s former role as Executive Vice President focused on ensuring that ICMIF’s members gain optimum value and that the Federation understands each member organisation’s strategic priorities and competencies.
She is working towards her Master’s Degree in Executive Coaching and Mentoring and has achieved Master Practitioner Level in Neurolinguistic Programming (NLP). Liz has previously held a board seat at Liverpool Chamber of Commerce and sat as a Governor on two school boards.
Before joining ICMIF in 2012, Liz spent 13 years working in senior communications roles for the UK life insurance sector at Swiss Life (UK) and then for Royal Liver Group before it was acquired by the UK’s largest mutual, Royal London Group. Before then she was a PR consultant specialising in financial services accounts.
She has spoken at a wide variety of ICMIF conferences, board and executive meetings as well as representing the Federation at other non-ICMIF conferences and symposiums.

Petra Hielkema
Chairperson, EIOPA
KEYNOTE: Collaborative action in the wake of complex economic challenges: are regulation and collaboration mutually exclusive?
Petra Hielkema, Chairperson, European Insurance and Occupational Pensions Authority (EIOPA)
Term: 01 Sept 2021 - 31 Aug 2026
Petra is the Chairperson of EIOPA and has been leading the Authority since September 2021, following her appointment by the Council on 27 May 2021 after confirmation by the European Parliament on 18 May 2021.
Petra is also member of the ESRB Steering Committee and the ESRB General Board and a voting member of the IAIS Executive Committee. Besides that she is the Champion of the IAIS Fintech Forum.
Prior to this role Petra was Division Director of Insurance Supervision at De Nederlandsche Bank (DNB, the Dutch Central Bank). Petra joined DNB in February 2007 as a policy advisor, contributing to the development of Solvency II. In 2013 she became Head Insurance Policy and in 2015 she was appointed as Head of the DNB Expert Center for Fit & Proper assessments. In February 2017 Petra started as Director of Payments and Market. Prior to joining the Dutch Central Bank Petra had an international career as a financial advisor to emerging economies.
Prior to being appointed as EIOPA Chairperson Petra was an Alternate Member of the EIOPA Board of Supervisors. She was also the Chair of the EIOPA Policy Committee. Before that she participated in several EIOPA and CEIOPS working groups and fulfilled some international roles including Chair of the FSB fmiCBCM (recovery & resolution for CCPs), member of the BIS Committee for Payments and Market Infrastructures, member of the ECB Market Infrastructures Board, and member of the IAIS Technical Committee.
Petra has a European Masters in Law & Economics and a Masters in Russian Studies. She is married and proud mother of three children.

Catherine Hock
Senior Vice-President, International Relations, ICMIF
Mutual Meet-Up host: Social Engagement

John Kearns
CEO, IPB Insurance
Invitation to the AMICE Congress 2026

Nerea Luis
Co-founder, T3chFest and Artificial Intelligence Engineer, Sngular
Plenary: The Age of AI: trends, observations and predictions
Nerea Luis has a PhD in Computer Science, co-founder of T3chFest and works as an Artificial Intelligence Engineer at Sngular where she leads projects related to Machine Learning and Computer Vision, among others. She is passionate about outreach, artificial intelligence, and robotics.
Nerea is Women Techmaker Scholar in 2016 by Google. In 2018, the COTEC Foundation selected her as an expert in Technology, Talent and Gender within its network “Los 100 de Cotec”. She has been the winner of the Innovative ICT recognition by the Fundación Cibervoluntarios. In 2019, Nerea has been awarded by the Royal House with the decoration to the Order of Civil Merit and she has also been selected within the Top 100 leading women in Spain in the revelation category. In 2020 she has been included in the Future Leaders ranking prepared by LlyC and among the 21 changemakers of Forbes Spain.

Professor Martin Mullins
Co-Lead, Emerging Risk Group, Kemmy Business School, University of Limerick
Case study: Addressing the notion of trust around ChatGPT in the high-stakes use case of insurance
Martin Mullins is Co-Leader of the Emerging Risk Group, Kemmy Business School, University of Limerick, a Professor in Risk and Insurance, a Funded Investigator for Lero and has been a member of the Expert Group on Digital Ethics in Insurance for EIOPA. More recently, he worked with the Central Bank of Ireland as a data ethicist. Professor Mullins teaches financial regulation at Masters level and lectures on the philosophy of science to University doctoral students. He has worked on a number of risk governance related research projects, including five EU Commission funded projects in the area of emerging technologies and risk transfer. Two of these focus on risk metrics, privacy and insurance in the area of assisted driving systems, namely VIDAS and Cloud-LSVA - funded under the MG3.6 and ICT 16 calls respectively. He is currently working on a set of recommendations for the European policy makers on the use of AI driven tools by law enforcement agencies.

Víctor Meseguer Sánchez
Special Commissioner for Social Economy of the Spanish Government
Panellist: Creating stability: the role of mutuality
Víctor Meseguer Sánchez
He studied a BA in Political Science at the Pompeu Fabra University of Barcelona. In the framework of an ERASMUS exchange, he studied for a year at the King’s College London. Victor holds two master’s degrees: in Corporate Social Responsibility (University of Murcia) and in European Affairs (European Studies Institute, Université Libre of Brussels).

Pablo Mongelos
Managing Director, Seguros Lagun Aro
Opening Of The Congress / Panellist: CEO Roundtable, Reimagining risk and relationships
Pablo Mongelos is a graduate in economics and business. He held various roles in Fagos Electromesticos from 1993 to 2006, becoming General Manager in 2001. After this, he took over the general management of Seguros Lagun Aro, a post he currently holds. Pablo is a member of the Board of Directors of Laboral Kutxa, and an AMICE Board member.

Leire Mugerza Garate
President of the Standing Committee and Congress of Mondragon, MONDRAGON Corporation
From humble beginnings to the world's largest co-op: what lessons can we learn from the origins and philosophy of MONDRAGON?
President of the Standing Committee and Congress of Mondragon, MONDRAGON Corporation
Leire Mugerza Garate has worked in various cooperatives of the Mondragon Corporation. She began her professional career in 1998 in a company in the industrial area of Mondragon, Eika S.Coop, where she had various responsibilities before becoming Industrial and Systems Director of the Eika Group. She was also President of the Governing Council of the same cooperative.
In 2007, she continued her work as Director of the teaching cooperative, Lea Artibai Ikastetxea, which is part of the Mondragon knowledge area. She is currently a member of the cooperative, combining her functions since 2012 with the presidency of the Governing Council of Eroski S. coop, a Mondragon distribution area cooperative.
She was appointed president of the Congress and Permanent Committee/Commission of the Mondragon Corporation in January 2022, a position she combines with her earlier ones.
In May 2022 she was appointed as 4th Vice-President of CEPES and in November 2022 she became a member of the CES (The Economic and Social Council of Spain).
She is a Technical Industrial Engineer (Mondragon Unibertsitatea) and holds an MBA in Cooperative Business Management (Otalora).

Christophe Ollivier
Insurance Branch Deputy Director, Fédération nationale de la Mutualité française (FNMF)
Panellist: Creating stability: the role of mutuality
Trained as an engineer (Industrial Engineering), C. OLLIVIER evolved during the first fifteen years of his career in the insurance industry, dedicated to industrial risks analysis, prevention and protection, in positions of increasing responsibility, all within the UAP Group (engineering, management control, through underwriting and reinsurance).
After the merger with AXA (1997), his career quickly deviated to financial reinsurance, with positions in various groups (AXA, Winterthur and Credit Agricole / Calyon), in France then abroad, between 1999 and 2003 (New York, Zurich, London, Bermuda).
Back to France (in 2004), he joined the securitization department of an investment bank (Calyon today CACIB) and two years later moved to the senior bankers department, dedicated to financial institutions where he particularly focused on financial issues for the non-profit institutions (Mutuals and “institution de prévoyance”).
In April 2009, he joined the National Federation of French Mutual (FNMF), where he is presently deputy head of the Insurance department.
He is also Vice President of AMICE.

Ruth Paserman
Director for Funds, Programming and Implementation. DG Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion, European Commission
Keynote: The role of mutuals and insurance cooperatives in the European social economy ecosystem
An economist, Ruth Paserman joined the Commission in 1993. She has since worked in a number of services: Eurostat, DG Employment and Social Affairs, DG Competition, DG Enterprise and Industry. She was also member of cabinet of Vice-President Tajani, Vice-President Dombrovskis and deputy Head of Cabinet of Commissioner Thyssen. Since November 2020 she is Director for Funds Programming and Implementation in DG Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion. She is responsible for the legislation, policy development and coordination of implementation of the funds managed by the DG (ESF+, EGF, InvestEU social window), as well as for the social economy and better regulation.

Jean Pierre Grimaud
CEO, OFI Invest
Panellist: Sustainability, collaboration and innovation: unlocking potential
Jean-Pierre Grimaud is the CEO of OFI Invest Asset Management, a position he has held since June 2015. Previously, he was the CEO of Swiss Life AMB, before which he was Chairman of Swiss Life AM, the asset management subsidiary of Swiss Life France. He joined the company in 2002 as CIO and Executive Board Member. Grimaud previously worked for HSBC Asset Management (Europe) and CPR Gestion. He began his career in financial and asset management in 1986, at the Banque Française d’Investissement. From 2007 to 2011, Grimaud was also Chairman of the Board of Af2i (Association Française des Investisseurs Institutionnels) and actively participated in public debates related to the French financial industry. He also taught at Rennes University and at the CNAM of Paris, as well as writing a monthly column in Gestion de Fortune between 1992 and 2009. Grimaud is an ENSAE graduate, and also obtained a degree in economics from the University of Economics of Angers.

Juliane Ressel
PhD student and research assistant, University of Limerick and TH Köln
Case study: Addressing the notion of trust around ChatGPT in the high-stakes use case of insurance
Juliane Ressel is a PhD student at the University of Limerick, as part of the Emerging Risk Group. She is collaborating with the Institute for Insurance Studies (ivwKöln) at TH Köln and is also a research assistant at the Research Center for the Insurance Market. Her research project examines what constitutes a trustworthy adoption of artificial intelligence (AI) systems in insurance transactions. The aim is to contribute to a bespoke risk governance framework. The project is supervised by Prof Dr Michaele Völler (ivwKöln), Prof Dr Finbarr Murphy, and Prof Dr Martin Mullins (both University of Limerick). Juliane’s PhD research has been recognised with the insureNXT Innovators Award 2023 and nominated for the AI Newcomers Award 2023.

Professor Rosemary Addis
Managing Partner, Mondiale Impact
KEYNOTE: Setting the stage for green investment
Rosemary Addis is globally recognised as a director and strategist at the forefront of innovation and investment for impact. She brings a unique combination of commercial acumen, strategic insight and transformational leadership , which has made her a go-to principal for breakthrough solutions to complex issues.
Rosemary has led design and execution of ground-breaking funds and organisations. Her current portfolio of Chair, board and advisory roles is anchored by her role as Founding Managing Partner of Mondiale Impact, formed to support and challenge leaders as they confront new governance realities and transformative change for the 21st Century. She is an Enterprise Professor at the University of Melbourne, Industry Professor at University College London. Having contributed to shaping the transformational shifts in global markets, she remains a Global Ambassador for GSG Impact, now active in over 50 countries.
Rosemary has advised SDG Impact at the United Nations Development Programme, the OECD Social Impact Investing Initiative, the World Economic Forum Ideas to Practice, a World Bank Steering Group for Innovative Finance and leaders internationally from major corporates and banks to institutional investors and asset managers, foundations and governments.
Her 30+ year track record spans sectors: a global legal career, including as an equity partner of Allens-Linklaters, Social Innovation Strategist for the Australian Government, G8 Social Impact Investment Taskforce and Founding Chair of Impact Investing Australia (Market Builder of the Year 2018 and 2020).
In 2020 she was made a Member of the Order of Australia (AM) and has also been recognised as an inaugural Sorenson Impact Leader (2021), by Women in Finance ranking among top thought leaders (2017), Australia’s 100 Women of Influence for contributions to innovation (2015) and by Chambers Global as one of the world’s leading lawyers (2002 and 2003).
Rosemary’s work is published widely and her work is the subject of numerous international case studies informing a generation of leaders.

Eeva Salmenpohja
Senior Vice President, Group Sustainability and Communications, LocalTapiola Group
Panellist: Sustainability, collaboration and innovation: unlocking potential
Eeva Salmenpohja is the Vice President for Sustainability and Public Affairs for LocalTapiola. Before starting her position at LocalTapiola in April 2021 Eeva headed the public affairs and strategic sustainability work at K-Group, one of the largest retailers in Northern Europe.
Having worked in the Prime Minister´s Office, the Confederation of Unions for Professional and Managerial Staff as well as the Ministry for Foreign Affairs – Eeva has a broad understanding of sustainability issues as well as the growing and changing stakeholder expectations.
LocalTapiola is a mutual group of companies providing non-life, life and pension insurance as well as asset management and real estate asset management to private customers, farmers, entrepreneurs, corporate customers and organizations. LocalTapiola has a network of 19 regional mutual insurance companies employing approximately 3,500 people servicing nearly 1.6 million customers.

Antti Talonen
Professor in Responsible Business Management and Co-operatives (University of Eastern Finland), Member of EIOPA's Insurance and Reinsurance Stakeholder Group
Panellist: Creating stability: the role of mutuality

Ben Telfer
Senior Vice-President, Membership, ICMIF
PLENARY: The importance of the mutual message
As SVP Membership, Ben is responsible for ICMIF’s member value proposition and has oversight and provides strategic direction across all of ICMIF’s member services, communications, networks and events. Ben also leads ICMIF’s Business Intelligence function that is focused on financial and strategic research of emerging trends and best-practice strategies in the global cooperative and mutual insurance sector. He has also collaborated on a number of external research reports and written numerous articles for external publications on common trends around strategy, marketing, transformation and innovation in the cooperative/mutual sector.
Ben has over 15 years’ experience in the financial service industry. Before joining ICMIF in 2011, he was a research analyst for the corporate finance arm of a global information service provider.

Jorge Vázquez Morenés
Director, Mutua Madrileña
Panellist: CEO Roundtable, Reimagining risk and relationships

Ana Vicente
CEO, Mutua Pescadores
CEO Roundtable: Future trends - reimagining risks and relationships